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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Elfriede Blauensteiner

The 1931 in Vienna born woman poisoned its life companion, its neighbour as well as a further man, whom she became acquainted with by one of it given up contact announcement. It gave Euglucon to its victims to blood-sugar-lower a medicine, combined with an antidepressive. Before it killed its victims, these had their "„nurse "“possession and real estateproperties bequeaths.

She was condemned first 1997 in Krems spoken for a murder case guiltily (lifelong), 2001 it for two further cases in Vienna because of murder. Their court appearances were legendary, with which it partly pointed any debt from itself. Admits became an appearance, with which it arose with a golden crucifix, it up stretched and said "„I washes my hands in innocence "“. The OGH at that time president Johann Rzeszut at that time injustice dimension of one "„, which is too large actually for a terrestrial Court of Justice "“, spoke. Their defence counsel was the Austrian Elmar Kresbach.

Elfriede Blauensteiner sat some years in the woman Mrs. Schwarzau, before she died 2003 at the age of 72 years at the consequences of a brain tumor.

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